Commit: 37a6bcba57fcad94eb682de7335e2380501a75d2

Bringing Discord To The Web

Answer Overflow is an open source project designed to bring discord channels to your favorite search engine, enabling users to easily find the info they need, fast.

Tools tailored to your community

Your community is unique, it's time you had a bot that matches it

🔎 Index Content Into Google

Organically gain more users by ranking at the top of Google search results

🤖 AI Question Answers

Automate answering repeat questions, with AI answers sourced from your community content.

📈 Community Insights

Understand what your community is asking the most about and where to improve your documentation

💻 Host On Your Own Domain

Boost your website with organic content generated by your community

Ad supported version of Answer Overflow allowing for unlimited page views and revenue share to communities. Perfect for communities of all sizes.


$0 / month

  • Hosted on
  • Unlimited page views
  • Ad supported
  • Revenue share (coming soon)
If you upgrade to a custom domain at any time your content will be redirected
Setup Now

Serving 2+ million users across 300 servers

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